Laurel Covenant Groups are a place where Christians watch over one another in love as we grow in our discipleship.

While it is not traditional Bible Study, it is a place for spiritual growth and fellowship as we focus on one another’s well-being.

Bright & Early Band of Women Covenant Group

Led by Ruth White

The Bright and Early Covenant Group has become a once-a-month breakfast group. We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 8:00 am at the D&J Cafe on 915 W. Laurel St. Let Ruth White know if you would like to join us so that she can get a big enough table.

Please call ahead for more information, sometimes they meet on the different Thursday instead.

Concordia Village Covenant Group

Led by Jackie Carey and Barb Nelson

This group is open for those who reside on the west side of Springfield and at Concordia Village. Family members are encouraged to join.

Meets weekly in person at Concordia Village at 1:30pm on Thursdays

Koffee Klatch Covenant Group

Led by Bev Bergdolt

The Koffee Klatch Covenant Group is a group of Christian women who meet weekly in the home of Bev Bergdolt. Utilizing questions to ponder from the weekly sermon at Laurel and occassional study books, the group freely discusses the challenges and celebrations of daily life. Through study and reflection, we better understand how our beliefs impact our decisions. Sharing and forming bonds of friendship are the guiding hallmarks of the group.

Meets weekly at Bev Bergdolt's house Wednesdays at 10:30 am and on Zoom.

Men’s Coffee Covenant Group

Led by Merwyn Nelson

Weekly sermon questions are discussed.

Meets weekly in person at Laurel at 9:00am on Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall and in Washington Park suring the summer. Please call ahead for more information.


Led by Lori Cour & Robin Small

We are a group that focuses on fellowship and discussion of a book.

Meets weekly at 6:00pm on Mondays in Room 106.

Reconciling Covenant Group

Led by Kelley Davidson and Ruth Ann Hamilton

The Reconciling Covenant Group is a small group of Christian women who focus on fellowship, discussion, spiritual growth and understanding of social issues impacting ALL of God's children. Our goal is to understand how our faith impacts our response to societal issues. In our weekly meetings we utilize various video series and books addressing justice, equality, and inclusion that face our world today. 

Meets weekly Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00pm at Room 200 and via Zoom January-March.

Get Involved

Email us for a Zoom link to join one of our groups,