Remembering God's Covenants
Lenten Services 2025
Ash Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00pm
Holy Thursday Service, April 17 at 7:00pm
Good Friday Service, April 18 at 7:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 20 at 8:30am, 9:30am and 10:45am
Sunday Sermon Series
March 9 Noah: God’s Covenant with Creation
March 16 Abraham: A Promise of Nations
March 23 Moses and Israel: Words of Life and Freedom
March 30 David: An Eternal Covenant
April 6 From Jeremiah to Jesus: The Covenant of the Heart
April 13 Jesus and the New Covenant

Scribbles 2025
Come join the fun!
In January 2025 we started our Tuesday – Thursday schedule.
The time remains 9:30 to 11:30 but we are now offering a two day per week program.
If you do not want to do 2 days, you can choose to do only the one day. Our rates will be $30.00 a month for 2 days a week or $15 a month for just one day a week. If you have questions please contact me: joverholt@laurelumchurch.org or call /text 217-652-8137.
Our program for preschool aged children includes activities, music, crafts, games, story time, and a snack. Scribbles is a safe nurturing environment where children experience the love of God and the wonders of His creation. This is a great time for parents to shop, run errands or just have some down time for themselves while their children are in a loving educational setting.
If you know of families, friends and neighbors that may benefit from this program, please pass the information on. All pre-school age children are welcome.
Register in person or by calling 217-525-1866.

Diaper Depot Giveaway
The next Diaper Giveaway is April 19th, 10am-Noon, LUMC Parking Lot. No early arrivals, please.
Illinois families have access to subsidies for formula, childcare and food through a variety of government and community programs. Surprisingly, subsidies for diapers and wipes do not exist. Laurel is stepping into this void. At each Diaper Depot, LUMC distributes diapers, wipes and a book until supplies run out. During a recent give away, an out-of-town driver pulled in and donated $40. They just wanted to help!
Want to get involved in Diaper Depot? There are many ways…
• Help distribute on the give away dates
• Help with the shopping process
• Help with the books
Donate money at any time. To donate online search for LUMC Diaper Depot at www.laurelumchurch.org or go to the Target registry for LUMC Diaper Depot. And yes, of course you can just donate at Laurel. There are donation envelopes in the pews, just mark it Diaper Depot. If you have questions, contact JoAnn Overholt to be connected with one of our Diaper Depot organizers.

Communion Deliveries
If anyone would like communion delivered to you personally at home, please let the church know. Also, if anyone wants to help deliver communion, please let us know. We are gaining more requests for communion, so we need more people to help deliver.
Is your contact information up to date in our online directory? Are you sure?
We want to be sure we can communicate with you! Please take a moment to log on to the Online Directory to check your information. — Thank you!
Click here to download easy instructions. Or watch a tutorial video here.
What to know more about what's going on at Laurel?
Check out our monthly newsletter, Laurel Leaf, here.